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Family and retirement

Financial difficulties affect more than just you. They can also impact your loved ones and future projects. That being said, all is definitely not lost. We’ve collected some tips to help you and your loved ones come out the other side.

In the topic

expenses for separation or divorce

Separation or divorce: which expenses should you plan for?

Family and retirement
8 Tips for Planning Debt-Free Vacations

8 tips for planning vacations on a budget

Family and retirement
How Can I Recover Money Loaned to a Loved One? 3

How Can I Recover Money Loaned to a Loved One?

Family and retirement
12 Tips to Taking a Vacation Despite Inflation 1

12 Tips to Taking a Vacation Despite Inflation

Family and retirement
10 conseils pour éviter les problèmes de dettes lors d’une séparation 3

10 tips to avoid debt problems during a breakup

Family and retirement
En quoi consiste l’hypothèque inversée ? 7

What is a Reverse Mortgage?

Family and retirement
Que faire lorsqu’une succession est insolvable? 1

What to do when an estate is insolvent?

Family and retirement
Apprendre la gestion financière à nos enfants 1

Teaching Children to Manage Their Money

Family and retirement
Préparer la rentrée avec un budget serré 3

Getting ready for back-to-school on a tight budget

Family and retirement
Five Tips for Decreasing Moving Expenses

Five tips for decreasing moving expenses

Family and retirement
Bien planifier sa retraite, c’est important! 2

Properly planning for retirement is important!

Family and retirement
Les impacts de la pandémie sur les couples… et les dettes! 1

Impacts of the pandemic on couples… and debt

Family and retirement
Can you inherit a deceased person’s debts?

Can you inherit a deceased person’s debts?

Family and retirement
Dettes et retraite: 4 questions que tout le monde se pose 3

Debt and retirement: Four questions everyone is asking themselves

Family and retirement
Comment bien gérer son argent en couple? 10

How do you manage your money well as a couple?

Family and retirement
Est-ce que je perds mes REER lorsque je fais faillite ? 1

Will I lose my RRSPs when I declare bankruptcy?

Family and retirement
Mon ami a l’air pris à la gorge par ses dettes. Comment l’aider ? 1

My friend seems to be drowning in debt. How can I help?

Family and retirement
Retraite : 6 mises au point au sujet de l’endettement 1

Retirement: 6 misconceptions about debt, clarified

Family and retirement
Est-ce que vos soucis financiers vous éloignent de vos proches? 1

Are your financial troubles getting between you and your loved ones?

Family and retirement
Divorce et séparation : qui paie les dettes ? 1

Divorce and separation: Who pays the debts?

Family and retirement
Mon conjoint a beaucoup de dettes. Quelles sont les conséquences pour moi? 3

My spouse has a lot of debt. How will this negatively affect me?

Family and retirement
6 conseils pour parler d’argent en couple (et que ça se passe bien !)

6 tips for couples to have a (successful!) conversation about money

Family and retirement